I’m not a blogger…

I’m not a blogger. Although I have tried so hard to be one. I have tried to consistently come up with reasons why readers should visit my blog – reasons that fit into neat little lists that make supposedly attention-grabbing headline. But nah. I haven’t been able to do it. I can’t seem to find the consistency for it. I haven’t been able to find the rhythm to my writing in the past year. I write out of passion or at least interest or humor. It feels impossible to blog when I feel like I have to. And when you’re a blogger (that writes posts), you have to.

I’m not a blogger. I don’t have good fashion pics, and I don’t have artistically photographed images of my perfectly decorated desks with accessories from Ross and Home Goods and Kate Spade and whatnot. (Not to say that I wouldn’t want one of those cute little workspaces with the fun/funky deco.) But my not having one and what would happen in mine speaks to the type of mind I have. I’m a bit chaotic. I’m complex. I’m multitudinous. I start one thought and leave off at another one. One train of thought collides with a million others in my mind. I write things down to remember them, but I don’t even do that in an organized manner.

I’m not a blogger. Although I do want to share my natural hair experience, I don’t want to do a millionth review on the same natural hair product that nearly everyone has already tried. I don’t want to try to convince readers of the same thing that thousands of other bloggers are trying to convince readers of. (No shade, because there is still room out there for natural hair bloggers to get out their and reteach the same things that have been becoming more common over the past decade or so. There are lots of newbies cropping up with lots of questions all the time. For me, it just feels stale.) Everything that I’ve tried on my blog kind of falls through, and I hate that. I’m not a blogger. I’m a creative, and I live in my head a lot. I’m a visionary, but I want to share my vision, hence the blog.

I’m not a blogger, but I’m figuring things out. I’m becoming myself, my true self, more and more, and I LOVE IT. I’m not neat, but I have a pattern. It’s just that I’m learning it. I value experience. I’ll take impartation over information.

So come and vibe with me.

P.S. I wonder if this thing will even get posted because my strong suit is starting things…not finishing.

12 thoughts on “I’m not a blogger…

  1. I’ve only been blogging for two months but have been having the same issue as you. I don’t have the best photos and always want to write stuff I’m interested rather than stuff that may get clicked on by more people. I liked this post, it was honest and sometimes I feel blogging is a bit showy and lacks authenticity. I want to carry on blogging and find out what I like and don’t like but am learning to not put pressure on myself to find my ‘niche’ and stick to it. I think flexibility is good because it allows creativity. As long as you enjoy what you do, keep going!


    1. Hi Ben! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment. I appreciate that so much. I’m finding that not pressuring myself to fit into a niche is the way to go as well. Otherwise, I stifle myself and my creativity. So I totally agree with you! Best wishes on your blogging journey and thanks again!

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    1. Hellooo! Thanks for reading and commenting. I’m so glad I’m not the only non-blogger trying to blog! Lol. I think I’ve felt pressure to be like really popular bloggers because they seem to have a formula for success. However, I think there’s more than enough room for people like us because I think we can bring a sense of freshness to the blogosphere.😘 Take care!

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  2. Reblogged this on and commented:
    I really related to this! I have always seemed to be a good source of information for my friends. Even if I don’t have an answer, depending on the topic, I will find out 😜. Since I have embraced my natural hair, in the past 5 years I have accumulated tons of valuable info, websites, products and tips & tricks. Why not share?? Not to mention, hair is not the only thing I am enthusiastic about. With all that being said, I’m more of the go-to friend versus a blogger. #iamnotablogger

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    1. Hi Angel! I appreciate your reading and commenting on my blog. I get it. For me, I get the urge a lot. I’m just trying to be consistent in blogging when I want to and in honestly expressing myself. Thanks again!


  3. Are you in my head? This is so me. I can sit and talk to someone for hours and I figured, “Why just limit these talks to just my close friends, why not share with the world via a blog!” Easier said than done. I was so excited to start but it lost it’s luster really fast b/c I didn’t feel/act/talk like a “blogger”. Thank you for letting me know I’m not alone!


    1. Heyyy LovedByBrittany! I am in your head. Lol. No, I think there are a lot of people who feel this way. Sometimes, I think I should be a bestselling author or a motivational speaker or a comedian with the thoughts I have in my head. Then I sit down to blog, and my content just seems so boring or goofy and unnatural. I’m trying to get better at letting my blog posts flow from my life and my heart, even if they seem silly or don’t fit the typical/popular blogger mold. You’re definitely not alone! Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

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