No Puff Zone! The Style I Can’t Stand…

Do y’all see this?


No, seriously, do you see this?


I mean, I even tried to get in the sun and scrunch up my nose to add lighting and cuteness.

Wrong. I know I look a little regular in the pic, but my hair normally helps that. Not this time. This is why I hate the single puff. I can’t stand it. I used to live by the puff. When my hair was longer, I wore that thing out so much, my ex told me that it was tired and he didn’t want to see it so much. (The side eye is still strong for that.) But now, all I see is BASIC when I see myself with the puff. I couldn’t even celebrate the fact that I can pull my hair back into a puff – I mean, it has grown that much!! But the puff cain’t live here no more.

Number 1. Dorcas can’t be looking regular. (That’s my afro’s name. Dope, I know.) For whatever reason, the puff does me no favors. No help for my bone structure or nothing! I don’t know about the rest of y’all, so no shade.

Number 2. Plus the puff is rough on my edges, and my edges currently LIVE since my 2nd big chop last year.

Number 3. The puff has nearly always given me a giant headache. I’ll give it a try when I have enough hair to sit a puff at the top of my head (pineapple style) without wrapping the band too tightly.

So I guess my lazy style will have to be the unstretched fro… We’ll see.

Thanks for reading! Happy New Year! No single puffs for the Royal Coil in 2016.

I’m not a blogger…

I’m not a blogger. Although I have tried so hard to be one. I have tried to consistently come up with reasons why readers should visit my blog – reasons that fit into neat little lists that make supposedly attention-grabbing headline. But nah. I haven’t been able to do it. I can’t seem to find the consistency for it. I haven’t been able to find the rhythm to my writing in the past year. I write out of passion or at least interest or humor. It feels impossible to blog when I feel like I have to. And when you’re a blogger (that writes posts), you have to.

I’m not a blogger. I don’t have good fashion pics, and I don’t have artistically photographed images of my perfectly decorated desks with accessories from Ross and Home Goods and Kate Spade and whatnot. (Not to say that I wouldn’t want one of those cute little workspaces with the fun/funky deco.) But my not having one and what would happen in mine speaks to the type of mind I have. I’m a bit chaotic. I’m complex. I’m multitudinous. I start one thought and leave off at another one. One train of thought collides with a million others in my mind. I write things down to remember them, but I don’t even do that in an organized manner.

I’m not a blogger. Although I do want to share my natural hair experience, I don’t want to do a millionth review on the same natural hair product that nearly everyone has already tried. I don’t want to try to convince readers of the same thing that thousands of other bloggers are trying to convince readers of. (No shade, because there is still room out there for natural hair bloggers to get out their and reteach the same things that have been becoming more common over the past decade or so. There are lots of newbies cropping up with lots of questions all the time. For me, it just feels stale.) Everything that I’ve tried on my blog kind of falls through, and I hate that. I’m not a blogger. I’m a creative, and I live in my head a lot. I’m a visionary, but I want to share my vision, hence the blog.

I’m not a blogger, but I’m figuring things out. I’m becoming myself, my true self, more and more, and I LOVE IT. I’m not neat, but I have a pattern. It’s just that I’m learning it. I value experience. I’ll take impartation over information.

So come and vibe with me.

P.S. I wonder if this thing will even get posted because my strong suit is starting things…not finishing.

If Inspiration Is Everywhere, Then Why I Am Searching for It…

I started feeling extremely restless on Wednesday. It was a pronounced sense of idleness that weighed upon me heavily, winding my mind up like a toy while crippling my immediate productivity. All I could think of were the many ideas, desires, and plans I’ve had and do have and how those things are frozen outside of time. I’m not producing, and I haven’t created…as much as I would like to. This thought streaked through me and electrified me, almost dead. And so the cravings hit like that. I needed inspiration.

Is my identity as a creative person locked into my having created something of value to others? Or is it just a recognition within myself? And the confidence to be that without set expectations?

I was frustrated, sitting on my couch watching Netflix with Facebook and Instagram just a swipe away. (Social media drains my creativity, but I’m such a procrastinatorrrrrr. Smh.) So I decided to find the inspiration my soul – my psyche – was craving.

Honestly, it sounds and feels cliche to say that I’m going to an art gallery for creative inspiration, but I didn’t know where else to turn. I needed to be outside of my everyday environment. I needed to see different, hear different, feel different. Sensory reset.


…So I found my way to the McColl Center for Art + Innovation.


The artwork focused my racing thoughts. The bright colors were hypnotizing. The artists in residence were friendly and inspiring. And here I return to that cliche word Inspiration. I heard a quote from a video from an exhibit,

“Inspiration is everywhere.”

I pondered this idea because I came there for inspiration. If inspiration is everywhere, then why did I have to come to an art gallery to be inspired, I wondered. It occurred to me that it is good to be in a place where creativity is the norm. I don’t live like that everyday, and I need reminders. When you have an artist’s heart and an analytical mind, creative inspiration gets lost. So I went looking for it.

Some days, I breathe creativity from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. On other days, I have to remind myself of who I am and what I have.

…Ultimately, I am inspiration.

The Royal Coil

The Road to Natural: Memories of the Glorious Transition

I’m sure I’m not the only one who was thoroughly transformed by returning to natural. There were a lot of things that I had no idea that I was learning. Much of the time, I was focused on doing/fixing my hair, but my transition and the journey that ensued has taught me so much about life. So this is the introduction of a series of posts about my transition and what I’ve learned.

I began my journey during my freshman year of college. This is about what I looked like when I got my last relaxer.


One thing I’ve learned is that I love exactly who I am, what flows and grows out of me naturally. I love it. I’m comfortable with it. I know it. The natural life is the only option there ever was.

So reminisce with me as I wax poetic about discovering the real me through my hair.

My Favorite Type of Style: TWISTS!

Throughout my natural hair journey before I BC’ed again and as soon as I had enough hair after I BC’ed, I have heavily relied on twists. They have carried me and have proven to be so versatile. As a natural who has always preferred a protective style to any other, the two strand twist and flat twist have proven to be a dream. I was 2 years into being natural before I realized that I could do my hair myself; that’s when I started doing 2 strand twists. Before that I had gotten my hair done regularly for a period of a few months and then just wore my hair out in a fro or puff. It was a year later when I decided to try my hand at flat twists, and, of course, I’ve been in love ever since. Only thing is that I can be pretty bad at parting. lol. #Nightmare #Ohwell


Anyway, this is why TWISTS are the best:

1.They’re easy to do. – I think we all can agree that two strand twists are a breeze to do, although they make take a while. Flat twists may seem difficult, but they’re pretty simple to do and practice makes perfect.

2. They’re easy to style. – Depending on how you want to look, you can two strand twist on wet hair or dry hair. You can make them really small or really thick. You can twist in different directions so that your hair can fall a certain way. The same can be said about flat twists.

3. They’re pretty easy to moisturize. – For two strand twists, the smaller they are, the easier because I can moisturize it like I would unstyled strands. Flat twists may prove to be more of a challenge because you can’t get at all of the hairs, but my hair retains moisture really well with this style. (I also think my hair is not very porous. So once moisture is in there, it’s there to stay.)

4. They’re so easy to live in!!! You can wash your hair in these! (I don’t because I have to be able to get at my whole scalp; so I can’t be gentle.) You can get these wet and still have a style. Well, you can with two strand twists anyway. The maintenance is nearly nonexistent. Just make sure you don’t lay on them crazy because you will look like Buckwheat.

5. The Twistout!! Enough said.

6. I can’t cornrow. Lol. Yeah, that’s my reason.

7. My braidouts are always subpar. Lol.

All hail the glorious twist! What do you guys think about twists? Are they your favorites or nah?

My Surprising “Protective” Style Option


It’s my TWA!

Okay, I get it. There are probably a lot of people who will say the definition of a protective style precludes an “out” style like an afro. However, a lot of these things are kind of fluid in the natural hair community, and that is because what protects my hair or promotes length retention for me may cause breakage for you.

The reason that my TWA is a great protective style is because

  1. It requires little manipulation for me.
    1. I do have to pick it. When I’m getting myself ready for the day, I wet my hair (and moisturize depending on the day) and pick mainly the sides and back. I don’t pick the top much because I’m growing out a tapered cut, and the top is at least twice as long as the rest. So I when I pick the back and sides, it ends up looking like a reasonably shaped TWA.
      1. I know! Picking sounds like pretty serious manipulation. I don’t pull my pick through my ends too much because I really want my hair semi-stretched away from my scalp. I try to pick more at the roots and pull with my hands.
  2. It keeps my hands out of my hair!
    1. I am very much like a child in that when I have my hair styled, I touch it. I want to feel the texture of it. And I’m really bad about it. When I have it in the more familiar TWA, I’m not tempted (as much).
  3. My ends aren’t really that exposed…I’m hypothesizing.
    1. No, my ends are not tucked away per se. However, due to my curl pattern and hair type (4c, I’m pretty sure), my hair coils in on itself. So I don’t think my ends stick out a lot. (I could be wrong.) It doesn’t hurt that my hair is heat damaged on the ends (SMH – that’s what you see sticking out. I just had my hair trimmed 7 weeks…whoa, almost time for another.), and I plan on chopping that in a few months.
  4. Finally, I’ve done this before. This is my 2nd big chop, and my hair retained length pretty nicely when it was out and left alone. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

I will admit that I think this works much better as a “protective” style in the warmer months. Moisture retention is simpler for me in the summer. Cold, dry, and exposed hair needs a helping protective style hand.

What do you guys think? Am I crazy?

Evolution and Apologies and Blog Vision

Hi readers. I just want to say thank you if you still follow me or if you happen to read this. I have been completely absent from my blog this summer, and I apologize.

I’m sitting here watching Kim the Natural Fashionista on Periscope, and she has mentioned having integrity, being consistent, and evolving. I feel a bit convicted because I have been guilty of being terribly inconsistent AND not being true to myself AND, subsequently, not allowing myself to become who I am and express who I truly am through my blog. I have to be honest; I have found it very difficult to allow my true self to be translated to social media. I think it is because I am naturally introverted. Recently, a friend stated that she knows that I am an “extreme introvert.” I was taken aback, but I quickly realized that it is true. As an extreme introvert, it takes a considerable amount of time for me to come out of my shell and completely be myself in my relationships with others. I think that is quite amplified when it comes to social media and blogging. I know how to post what I see other people like, but I’m often at a loss as it pertains to posting or sharing who I really am.

Anyway, I’m sharing this because I just want you all to know that it’s easy for me to get caught up in what others think is good or all the lists of how to be the best blogger and how to make you blog popular and things like that. Do I want to have a great blog? Yes! Do I want to be entirely purposeful and entirely MYSELF, for the glory of God? YES. So please bear with me as I figure this out. I’m getting better at being comfortable in my skin, with my body, with my thoughts and perspectives in real life and real time. It’s just a little different, in my opinion, when I’m putting it out there for others to experience on a larger scale. Can anyone relate?

But I think I know what I need to do or, rather, what path to take. This blog is going to be multitudinous, like me! I plan to celebrate my natural hair and share that journey. I’ll share what I’m learning about purpose because that has become a major theme in my life. Finally, I’ll share whatever is on my heart. I believe that that will help with my consistency. I just want to be myself. I just want to share my world!

…so come along with me!


Natural Hair Life Lessons…: Love for the Process

I used to be obsessed with the end result, but now I’m falling in love with the process.

First, let me apologize for being away for so long. The blog is new, and I’m still getting into the habit of blogging regularly. However, I just want to let you know that I appreciate you following and reading!

So the aforementioned thought came to me a few days ago, and it’s one of my natural hair life lessons. Natural hair is so philosophical. I remember when I first went natural, I went through a phase in which I was obsessed with achieving the perfect afro. There were several moments of extreme frustration with the shape of my fro, the kinkiness, the way different parts grew at different rates. It wasn’t perfect. I didn’t realize that perfection wasn’t the goal, and the process was more important.

Now that I’ve done my second big chop, I can appreciate the process much more. I’m not used to having such short hair, and it’s a bit complex to work with because it’s a tapered fro. Different lengths can be frustrating to grow out. Just remember that Anything that is cause for frustration conversely can be a source of creativity. That is why I’m doing my Work Whatcha Got style challenge, even though I’m not going to make the time frame that I created for myself (6 weeks). It is challenging me to think outside the box, to try even when I think I may fail, and to appreciate the small wins.

Those things, among others, are keys to falling in love with the process. So now, I love what my hair does in its current state and at its current length. Let this be a reminder to you that you have what it takes as you are. Just get creative. Think outside the box. Try even if failure is a possibility. Appreciate every single achievement along the way – appreciate your progress. It’s all a part of the process. 

In short, my natural hair has taught me to love the process – to love every day of my hair rather than obsess over an idea of perfection. In general, for my hair, the process is more important because the right process will make it healthy, and the end result will likely exceed my expectations. The same goes for myself as an individual. The process is when I focus on myself, I learn myself. I take care of myself. I love myself. I improve myself. The end result will be exactly who and what I am supposed to be, and I will exceed my own expectations.

Now, unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think… – Ephesians 3:20


The Royal Coil


Work Whatcha Got Hairstyle Challenge: Style 2

So I’m finding that a little goes a long way as it pertains to changing my look with my tapered fro. I don’t have that much hair to work with, but it seems to have grown quite fast. Style 1 was the Side Part. Not a big deal, but it made a distinctive difference.

Style 2 is the semi-stretched Side Part. Last night, I realized that I have enough hair on the back and sides to flat twist. In my excitement, I stretched my hair on the back and sides using flat twists and on the top with large two strands that didn’t dry completely. The result was a semi-stretched TWA with my fave – the Side Part.

Style 2 shown on the left.
              Style 2 shown on the left.

The two styles seem quite similar, but stretching the shorter parts of my hair while allowing the top to shrink some gave my TWA a rounder shape plus it was more noticeably textured. In my opinion, it has a sufficiently different vibe, and I loved it! It was a nice softer look for church today.

Gotta keep creating and innovating. That’s for hair and for life.


Work Whatcha Got Hairstyle Challenge: Style 1

Style: Side Part
Style: Side Part

How I love the Side Part. Let me count the ways.

First let me explain how to do it. Just pick a spot on the side that won’t make your head or hair look lopsided, and part from front to crown. Then pick or pull out your hair on the side to give the part definition. Next, you pull the longer hair on top of your head away from the part – to further pronounce the part. Of course, I do my normal maintenance on my hair to moisturize and make it look neat. And… Voila!

Reasons why this style is everything:

1. It is Easy!!

2. It is quick.

3. It is fresh and quirky. I got a whole new vibe wearing this style!

Stay tuned for my next style! Also, watch for the next post about how changing your life can be as simple as this hairstyle!

My hair and my life are twins.
